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Main functions of Roulette Lucker Pro:

Let’s look at the main functions of Roulette Lucker Pro.

1 PROGRESS – Displays the status of the analysis of the current situation at the table. When lit in red letters, you SHOULD terminate the current session!

2 SERIAL NUMBER – When you click on the button, a unique serial number of the program appears in a separate window, which will later be needed for activation upon purchase.

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3 BET AMOUNT – Shows the nominal amount of bets, taking into account the progression.

4 BET NUMBERS – Displays point bets in columns, lines, streets and numbers on the roulette field of standard European roulette cloth.

5 INPUT FIELD – The drawn numbers are entered by dialing them from the keyboard or a graphic analogue of the field of the standard cloth of the European roulette.

6 DEPOSIT – We drive in the credit that is currently in your casino account.

7 MINIMUM CHIP – Indicate the minimum table and the minimum chip (chip) at your disposal. Read more on the MANUAL page.


The idea and potential of the “Roulette Lucker Pro” program is to withdraw the initial deposit to the desired “plus”, or even x2 and x4. It is this approach that can ensure rapid loan growth from minimal profits to large ones. In other matters, “drawdowns” occur, as I already said, once every 500 sessions.


функции roulette lucker pro

The program is protected by a serial number (S/N) from public copying, as well as unauthorized use. To activate it, you need to send the code to the project email

The program works with any roulette. If you choose the right scale of the game and choose a normal casino, then if you lose it will be a small amount of money. If you successfully combine consecutive gaming sessions, you can achieve impressive results in the casino.

The program implements general bankroll management and a system for combating casino opposition. It’s no secret that any casino controls the game. We are trying to extract additional profit from this.

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